MOSFET Small Signal Analysis


  • The gate-to-source voltage controls the drain-to-source (channel) current of a JFET.
  • Gate-to-source voltage controls the level of dc drain current through a relationship known as Shockley’s equation: ID = IDSS (1 – (VGS/VP))2
  • The change in drain current that will result from a change in Gate-to-source voltage can be determined using the transconductance factor gm in the following manner: ΔID = gm ΔVGS
  • gm=ΔID/ΔVGS

Mathematical Definition of gm:

where |VP| denotes magnitude only, to ensure a positive value for gm .

  • slope of the transfer curve is a maximum at VGS = 0 V.
  • The control of Id by Vgs is included as a current source gmVgs connected from drain to source as shown in Fig.
  • The current source has its arrow pointing from drain to source to establish a 180° phase shift between output and input voltages as will occur in actual operation.
  • The input impedance is represented by the open circuit at the input terminals and the output impedance by the resistor rd from drain to source.
  • Note that the gate-to-source voltage is now represented by Vgs (lowercase subscripts) to distinguish it from dc levels.
  • In addition, note that the source is common to both input and output circuits, whereas the gate and drain terminals are only in “touch” through the controlled current source gmVgs.

E-MOSFET Small signal analysis

  • The ac small-signal equivalent circuit is shown in Fig. , revealing an open-circuit between gate and drain–source channel and a current source from drain to source having a magnitude dependent on the gate-to-source voltage.
  • There is an output impedance from drain to source rd , which is usually provided on specification sheets as a conductance gos or admittance yos.
  • The device transconductance gm is provided on specification sheets as the forward transfer admittance yfs .
  • In our analysis of JFETs, an equation for gm was derived from Shockley’s equation.
  • For E-MOSFETs, the relationship between output current and controlling voltage is defined by: ID = k(VGS – VGS(Th))2
  • since gm=ΔID/ΔVGS


  • RG could be replaced by a short-circuit equivalent since IG = 0 A and therefore VRG = 0 V.
  • However, for ac situations it provides an important high impedance between Vo and Vi .
  • Otherwise, the input and output terminals would be connected directly and Vo = Vi.
  • RF is not within the shaded area defining the equivalent model of the device, but does provide a direct connection between input and output circuits.
  • The negative sign for Av reveals that Vo and Vi are out of phase by 180°.


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