Difference Amplifier

  • Differential amplifier is a basic building block of an op-amp.
  • The function of a differential amplifier is to amplify the difference between two input signals.

The two transistors Q1 and Q2 have identical characteristics.

The resistances of the circuits are equal, i.e. RE1 = RE2, RC1 = RC2 and the magnitude of +VCC is equal to the magnitude of –VEE.

These voltages are measured with respect to ground.

  • To make a differential amplifier, the two circuits are connected as shown in figure.
  • The two +VCC and –VEE supply terminals are made common because they are same.
  • The two emitters are also connected and the parallel combination of RE1 and RE2 is replaced by a resistance RE.
  • The two input signals v1 & v2 are applied at the base of Q1 and at the base of Q2.
  • The output voltage is taken between two collectors.
  • The collector resistances are equal and therefore denoted by RC = RC1 = RC2.
  • Ideally, the output voltage is zero when the two inputs are equal.
  • When v1 is greater then v2 the output voltage with the polarity shown appears.
  • When v1 is less than v2, the output voltage has the opposite polarity.
  • The four differential amplifier configurations are following:
    • Dual input, balanced output differential amplifier.
    • Dual input, unbalanced output differential amplifier.
    • Single input balanced output differential amplifier.
    • Single input unbalanced output differential amplifier.
  • These above configurations are shown in figure above, and are defined by number of input signals used and the way an output voltage is measured.
  • If use two input signals, the configuration is said to be dual input, otherwise it is a single input configuration.
  • On the other hand, if the output voltage is measured between two collectors, it is referred to as a balanced output because both the collectors are at the same dc potential w.r.t. ground.
  • If the output is measured at one of the collectors w.r.t. ground, the configuration is called an unbalanced output.
  • A multistage amplifier with a desired gain can be obtained using direct connection between successive stages of differential amplifiers.
  • The advantage of direct coupling is that it removes the lower cut off frequency imposed by the coupling capacitors, and they are therefore, capable of amplifying dc as well as ac input signals.

Dual Input, Balanced Output Differential Amplifier:

  • The circuit is shown in 1st figure, v1 and v2 are the two inputs, applied to the bases of Q1 and Q2 transistors.
  • The output voltage is measured between the two collectors C1 and C2 , which are at same dc potentials.
  • The internal resistances of the input signals are denoted by RS because RS1= RS2.
  • Since both emitter biased sections of the different amplifier are symmetrical in all respects, therefore, the operating point for only one section need to be determined.
  • The same values of ICQ and VCEQ can be used for second transistor Q2.
  • Applying KVL to the base emitter loop of the transistor Q1.
  • The value of RE sets up the emitter current in transistors Q1 and Q2 for a given value of VEE.
  • The emitter current in Q1 and Q2 are independent of collector resistance RC.
  • The voltage at the emitter of Q1 is approximately equal to -VBE if the voltage drop across R is negligible.
  • Knowing the value of IC the voltage at the collector VC is given by:
  •  VC =VCC – IC RC
  • and VCE = VC – VE
  •                = VCC – IC RC + VBE
  •        VCE = VCC + VBE – ICRC       
  • From the two equations VCEQ and ICQ can be determined.
  • This dc analysis applicable for all types of differential amplifier.
  • Since the two dc emitter currents are equal.
  • Therefore, resistance r’e1 and r’e2 are also equal and designated by r’e .
  • This voltage across each collector resistance is shown 180° out of phase with respect to the input voltages v1 and v2.
  • This is same as in CE configuration. The polarity of the output voltage is shown in Figure.
  • The collector C2 is assumed to be more positive with respect to collector C1 even though both are negative with respect to to ground
  • Applying KVL in two loops 1 & 2:
  • Solving these two equations, ie1 and ie2 can be calculated.
  • The output voltage VO is given by
  • VO = VC2 – VC1     = -RC iC2 – (-RC iC1)      = RC (iC1 – iC2)

      = RC (ie1 – ie2)

  • A differential amplifier amplifies the difference between two input signals.
  • Defining the difference of input signals as vd = v1 – v2 the voltage gain of the dual input balanced output differential amplifier can be given by

Differential Input Resistance:

  • Differential input resistance is defined as the equivalent resistance that would be measured at either input terminal with the other terminal grounded.
  • This means that the input resistance Ri1 seen from the input signal source v1 is determined with the signal source v2 set at zero.
  • Similarly, the input signal v1 is set at zero to determine the input resistance Ri2 seen from the input signal source v2.
  • Resistance RS1 and RS2 are ignored because they are very small.

Output Resistance:

  • Output resistance is defined as the equivalent resistance that would be measured at output terminal with respect to ground.
  • Therefore, the output resistance RO1 measured between collector C1 and ground is equal to that of the collector resistance RC.
  • Similarly the output resistance RO2 measured at C2 with respect to ground is equal to that of the collector resistor RC.
  • RO1 = RO2 = RC        
  • The current gain of the differential amplifier is undefined.
  • Like CE amplifier the differential amplifier is a small signal amplifier.
  • It is generally used as a voltage amplifier and not as current or power amplifier.

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