DC Generator

Principle of DC Generator:

  • A DC generator produces direct power based on fundamental principle of Faraday laws of electromagnetic induction.
  • According to these laws, when a conductor moves in a magnetic field it cuts magnetic lines force, due to which an e.m.f is induced in the conductor.
  • The magnitude of this induced emf depends upon the rate of change of flux (magnetic line force) linkage with the conductor.
  • This e.m.f will cause current to flow if the conductor circuit is closed.
  • The two essential parts of a generator are
    a) a magnetic field and
    b) conductors which move inside that magnetic field.
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  • Consider, the rectangular loop of conductor is ABCD which rotates inside the magnetic field about its own axis ab.
  • When the loop rotates from its vertical position to its horizontal position, it cuts the flux lines of the field.
  • During the movement two sides, i.e. AB and CD of the loop cut the flux lines there will be an e.m.f induced in both sides (AB & DC) of the loop.
  • As the loop is closed there will be a current circulating through the loop.
  • The direction of the current can be determined by Fleming right hand Rule.
  • The waveform of the current through the load circuit is as shown in the figure.
  • This current is unidirectional in nature.
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Construction of Direct Current Machines

The main parts of DC machine are:

  1. Frame or Yoke,
  2. Field system,
  3. Armature core and Armature winding
  4. Commutator
  5. Brushes
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1. Frame or Yoke:

  • The cross section of the yoke can be solid or it can be fabricated.
  • Small machines use solid yokes.
  • For large machines it is fabricated.
  • Yoke protects the inner part of the machine from the atmosphere.
  • Yoke carry a unidirectional flux.
  • The flux always moves from South Pole to North Pole.
  • Yoke flux is always half of the pole flux.
  • Thus yoke provides a return path for the pole flux.
  • Therefore the cross section of the yoke can be half of pole cross section.
  • Since yoke flux is unidirectional no e.m.f is induced in it.

2. Field system:

  • Field system consists of the following parts: Pole core, Pole shoes and Field coils.
  • Pole core is the part of the field system where the magnetic flux is set up.
  • Pole core can be solid in cross section or it can be laminated.
  • Machines of smaller power rating uses pole core of solid cross sections.
  • Larger machines uses laminated pole core.
  • In laminated pole, laminations of steel sheets are stacked together to give the pole core.
  • Lamination is done to reduce eddy current loss.
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  • Field windings are made of copper or aluminum conductor.
  • They carry current and produce magnetic field.
  • All field windings on the poles are connected in series and carry same current.
  • Depending on the current directions in the coil we get the polarity of the pole as north or south.
  • Field windings are of two types: Series field and shunt field windings.
  • Series field winding will have smaller number of turns of thick wire and needs a large current to produce a required value of flux.
  • The shunt field winding will have large number of turns of fine wire and requires small current to set up required flux.
  • Series field winding will be connected in series with the armature.
  • And shunt field winding is connected in parallel with the armature.

3. Armature core and Armature windings:

  • The armature core is cylindrical in shape.
  • High permeability silicon steel stampings are used for the armature core.
  • The laminations are circular in shape with outer periphery slotted to receive the armature conductors.
  • The laminations of the core are separated from each other by a layer of varnish coating.
  • The varnish coating acts as an insulator for the flux and limits the induced eddy currents to the lamination.
  • This reduces the eddy current loss.
  • The armature conductors are interconnected to form the coils.
  • The coils are interconnected to form the Armature winding.
    enter image description here
  • The armature windings will have coils connected in parallel paths.
  • All the coils in a path will be in series.
  • There are two types of winding: Lap and Wave winding.
  • In Lap winding, the number of parallel paths (A) equal to number of pole (P) and is used in high current, low voltage machines.
  • In Wave winding, the number of parallel paths is always two.
  • Thus each path will have more coils compared to lap winding.
  • Therefore wave winding is used for high voltage, low current machines.

4. Commutator:

  • As the coil rotates in the magnetic field, the e.m.f induced in the conductors varies sinusoidally and results in sinusoidally alternating current in the conductors.
  • This sinusoidally alternating current must be made unidirectional so that the output current is a direct current.
  • Commutator converts ac current into unidirectional current.
  • Commutator is cylindrical in shape, made of V shaped copper or brass segments insulated from each other by a mica layer.
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5. Carbon brushes:

  • Carbon brushes are used in DC machines to collect the current from the rotating armature.
  • These brushes, under spring force always make contact with the commutator surface.
  • These brushes are placed in brush holders supported on brush arm.
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EMF equation of DC Generator

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  • Flux cut by a conductor in one revolution = Flux per pole x No. of poles
  • Time for one revolution = 1/ N minutes = 60 / N seconds.
  • In one revolution a conductor moves under all P poles
  • Time taken by the conductor to move under one pole = Time for one revolution / number of poles.
    dt = (60/N)/ P = 60 / NP
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  • If Z is the number of conductors on the armature, they are connected A parallel paths, with each parallel path having Z / A conductor in a path all connected in series.
  • Emf generated between the terminals of a parallel path, Eg = e.m.f induced in one conductor x No. of parallel paths
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  • For Lap wound armature, A = P, no. of poles
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  • For wave wound armature, A=2.
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Voltage equation of generator:

  • The induced e.m.f Eg of the generator while allowing a current of Ia through the armature conductors causes an armature resistance drop IaRa and due to the bush contact with commutator a small amount of voltage is also dropped (usually around 2 volts).
  • The remaining voltage is available at the terminals of the generator as terminal voltage, V.
  • Thus terminal voltage is given by Eg= V + IaRa + brush drop
  • A = Armature
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Types of DC Generators

1. Separately Excited DC Generators:

  • In this generator, the field winding is connected to a separate source.
  • The current in the field winding is independent of the generated voltage.
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2. Self Excited DC Generators:

  • The field winding is connected to the armature of the generator.
  • The current required for producing the magnetic flux is given by the induced voltage of the machine.
  • Therefore the generator is called self excited.
  • Following are different types of self excited generators
  • Shunt wound DC generator:
  • A field winding with large number of turns of fine wire is connected in parallel with the armature.
  • It takes a small current from the armature to produce required value of the magnetic flux.
  • The flux produced will almost remains constant.
  • Series wound DC generator:
  • A field winding with small number of turns of thick wire is connected in series with the armature.
  • It always carries the armature current.
  • The flux produced will be proportional to the armature current.
  • The flux will vary with the armature current.
  • Compound wound DC generator:
  • This machine will have both series field and shunt field windings.
  • Based upon the connection of the field windings, the compound generator can be short shunt or long shunt.

Shunt Excited DC Generator:

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Series Excited DC Generator:

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Compound wound DC generator:

  • will have both series field and shunt field windings.
  • Based upon the connection of the field windings can be:
    (i)short shunt – Shunt to armature only
    (ii)long shunt-Shunt to Armature & Series field

Short Shunt:

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Long Shunt:

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