Concept of Impedance & Admittance


  • AC circuits contain both resistance and reactance that are combined together to give a total impedance (Z) that limits current flow around the circuit.
  • Impedance is not equal to the algebraic sum of the resistive and reactive ohmic values as a pure resistance and pure reactance are 90 degree out of phase with each other.
  • But we can use this 90 degree phase difference as the sides of a right angled triangle, called an impedance triangle, with the impedance being the hypotenuse as determined by Pythagoras theorem.
  • This geometric relationship between resistance, reactance and impedance can be represented visually by the use of an impedance triangle as shown.
enter image description here
  • Impedance, which is the vector sum of the resistance and reactance, has not only a magnitude (Z) but it also has a phase angle, which represents the phase difference between the resistance and the reactance.


  • Resistance, denoted R, is a measure of the extent to which a substance opposes the movement of electrons among its atoms.
  • The more easily the atoms give up and/or accept electrons, the lower the resistance, which is expressed in positive real numbers ohms.
  • Resistance is observed with alternating current and also with direct current (DC).
  • Examples of materials with low resistance, known as electrical conductors, include copper, silver, and gold.
  • High-resistance substances are called insulators and include materials such as polyethylene, mica, and glass.
  • A material with an intermediate levels of resistance is classified as Semiconductor . Examples are Silicon, germanium, and GaAs(Gallium Arsenide).


  • Reactance, denoted X, is an expression of the extent to which an electronic component, circuit, or system stores and releases energy as the current and voltage fluctuate with each AC cycle.
  • Reactance is expressed in imaginary number ohms.
  • It is observed for AC, but not for DC.
  • When AC passes through a component that contains reactance, energy might be stored and released in the form of a magnetic field, in which case the reactance is inductive (denoted +jXL); or energy might be stored and released in the form of an electric field, in which case the reactance is capacitive (denoted –jXC).
  • Reactance is conventionally multiplied by the positive square root of -1, which is the unit imaginary number called the j operator, to express Z as a complex number of the form R + jXL (when the net reactance is inductive) or R – jXC (when the net reactance is capacitive).
  • Where XL = ωL, ω is the frequency in rad/sec, and ω = 2πf , f is the frequency in Hz & XC =1/ωC
  • The illustration shows a coordinate plane modified to denote complex-number impedances.
  • Resistance appears on the horizontal axis, moving toward the right.(The left-hand half of this coordinate plane is not normally used because negative resistances are not encountered in common practice.)
  • Inductive reactance appears on the positive imaginary axis, moving upward.
  • Capacitive reactance is depicted on the negative imaginary axis, moving downward.
  • As an example, a complex impedance consisting of 4 ohms of resistance and +j5 ohms of inductive reactance is denoted as a vector from the origin to the point on the plane corresponding to 4 + j5.
  • In series circuits, resistances and reactance are add together independently.
  • Suppose a resistance of 100.00 ohms is connected in a series circuit with an inductance of 10.000μHenry. At 4.0000 MHz, the complex impedance is:

ZRL = R + jXL = 100.00 + j251.33

  • If a capacitor of 0.001nF is put in place of the inductor , the resulting complex impedance at 4.0000 MHz is:

ZRC = R – jXC = 100.00 – j39.789

  • If all three components are connected in series, then the reactances add, yielding a complex impedance of:

ZRLC = 100 + j251.33 – j39.789 = 100 + j211.5

  • Parallel RLC circuits are more complicated to analyze than are series circuits.
  • To calculate the effects of capacitive and inductive reactance in parallel, the quantities are converted to inductive susceptance and capacitive susceptance
  • Susceptance is the reciprocal of reactance.
  • Susceptance combines with conductance , which is the reciprocal of resistance, to form complex  admittance, which is the reciprocal of complex impedance.


  • Admittance is defined as a measure of how easily a circuit or device will allow current to flow through it.
  • Admittance is the reciprocal (inverse) of impedance.
  • The term impedance is introduced which have the same function of resistance but have both magnitude and phase.
  • Its real part is resistance, and the imaginary part is reactance, which came from the impeding mechanism.
  • When looking at admittance vs impedance, admittance is the inverse (i.e. the reciprocal) of impedance.
  • Therefore it has the opposite function of impedance.
  • Impedance consists of real part (resistance) and imaginary part(reactance) .
  • The symbol for impedance is the Z symbol, and the symbol for admittance is the Y symbol.

Admittance is also a complex number as impedance which is having a real part, conductance(G) and imaginary part, Susceptance (B).

  • Admittance Triangle is formed by admittance (Y), susceptance (B) and conductance (G) as shown below

Admittance of a Series Circuit

  • When a circuit consist of Resistance and Inductance reactance in series is considered as shown below.
  • When the circuit consist of Resistance and Capacitive reactance in series is considered as shown below.

Admittance of a Parallel Circuit

  • A circuit which consist of two branches say A and B are considered as shown in figure below. ‘A’ comprises of an inductive reactance, XL and a resistance, R1 and ‘B’ comprises of a capacitive reactance, XC and a resistance , R2.
  • The voltage , V is applied to the circuit.

For Branch A

For Branch B

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